Fashion/Cultural Historian, Writer & Consultant

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A Return of Shares: Links for the Weekend

Taking some slow, creeping steps towards returning to work…

If you are new here (or missed the news), I had a baby in early April and put this newsletter on hold for a bit. Based on what I had read online and heard from others, I had a completely unrealistic understanding of how much time I would have in the early postpartum period. I had heard talk of endless TV binges and perpetual Netflix viewing, which led me to believe that—even with intense sleep deprivation—I would be able to use that time not to binge shows, but to consume movies, books, and other media that would benefit my work. How wrong I was! Lack of sleep destroys me and silence throughout feeds and wakings is as much for my sanity as it is for hope of a quick return to sleep for both baby and me—no 3 a.m. movies for us.

It's funny now to think back and remember everything I thought I would read and all the things I would get done. What a naïve child I was! That said, for the last few weeks I’ve been able to steal moments here and there, slowly reconnecting with the thirst for historical knowledge that is my lifeblood. My tiny babe is well on his way to being a historian as I’ve taken to reading aloud to him the books I need to read for upcoming interviews for this newsletter—thousands of pages on architecture and fashion later, here’s to hoping that it helps his future vocabulary (though mostly it just keeps him content while snuggled in my arms).

I plan to be back with my normal content in the coming weeks but, for now, I shared some assorted links for articles, essays, and other things that have caught my eye and remained in my memory (very hard at the moment!) on my Substack, Sighs & Whispers.